Stewardship at House of Hope


2025 Stewardship Campaign:


Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.

—1 Peter 4:10


Our goal for stewardship and giving is $1,350,000. We invite you to join the individuals and families who support the mission and ministry of House of Hope. Reaching this goal will enable us to fully fund our music, children and youth programs, congregational life ministries, and continue our Mission Outreach giving.

Thank you to those who have made a pledge for 2025! If you’ve not made a pledge, you can pledge here.


We invite you to pledge and give in the following ways:


Pledge information:

  • Pledge online:  Pledge Now
  • Complete a Pledge Card and bring it to the church or mail it to 797 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105.

Giving information:

  • Donate online here. You can become a Sustainer by scheduling a recurring contribution. You can set up a profile and manage your giving at My HOH. This popular option allows you to easily update your giving.
  • Text HOH to 73256.
  • Check: Bring or mail to House of Hope Presbyterian Church, 797 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105.
  • Gifts of Stock: click here to learn about making gifts of stock.
  • Contact Michelle Freyholtz, Director of Administration, with questions or to learn more about making gifts of Mutual Fund Shares or through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA.

Thank you for your generosity.


To watch portions of the Stewardship video above, you can select from the themes below:

Community Garden (1:44)

Earth Care (1:46)

Youth and Young Adults (1:30)

Music (2:48)


A letter from our Transitional Pastor, Rev. Dr. Scott M. Kenefake

The physical premise of God’s creation rests on our interconnectedness. God insists that we cannot exist in isolation. – Martha Tatarnic


Dear Friends,
     Our 2025 Stewardship theme this year is Connect. I am wondering, what are you connected to? Family? Friends? School? Church? Music? Community? Team? Political Party?
     As you know, for the past several decades, participation in voluntary organizations of all kinds (religious institutions, civic organizations, and recreational groups) has been on the decline in the United States. A few generations ago we were known as a society of “joiners,” but today we are better known for disaffiliating from voluntary organizations.
     There are, of course, a variety of reasons for this: individualism, consumerism, social media, and the forced isolation of the pandemic, among others. But the result of all this has been an epidemic of loneliness.
     Post-pandemic, it’s as if we as a society have collectively decided that the groups and organizations we previously belonged to and found life-giving are no longer meeting our needs but we have no idea what to replace them with. We are searching for something, but we aren’t sure exactly what that something is.
     And yet, our churches, synagogues, and mosques still stand. People still come to worship, pray, serve, and study together. Why? Because people need a sense of transcendence in their lives, and this is best experienced in community—through connecting with other people and rubbing shoulders with people who are different than they are.
     In my mind, this is a kind of miracle where people voluntarily join together and pool their resources to create places where community can thrive, and lifetime connections are made to sustain one another through the joys and sorrows of life.
     And so, I am asking for your generous financial support as we seek to strengthen the connections that bind us together as a community of faith. Good things are happening at House of Hope Presbyterian Church! The HVAC and electrical construction project is now complete, and there is a renewed commitment to hospitality and neighborliness, among many other signs of growth and vitality.
     I look forward to seeing many of you at the Stewardship kick-off Celebration Sunday, November 3 after worship and on Stewardship Sunday, November 10. Thanks in advance for all that you do for HOH!

Scott Kenefake, Transitional Pastor


What are House of Hope’s 2024 sources of revenue?

Pledge & Non-Pledge Revenue: 47%
Gifts to the operating fund General Endowment: 38%
Allowable draw to the operating budget
Restricted Endowment: 11%
Allowable draw from funds with restricted purposes
Other Revenue: 4%
– Facility use and rental income
– Other contributions
– Designated giving
– Other fees


How are our resources being used this year?
Mission Outreach and Spiritual Life: 9%
Funding to support our mission partners: housing the homeless, peace and justice, community outreach, spiritual ministries, and feeding the hungry
Salaries: 45%
Staff compensation
Benefits and Allowances: 15%
Employee and clergy retirement benefits
House, Property and Insurance: 10%
Operating expenses, insurance, maintenance, repairs, landscaping
Communications, Administration and Finance: 8%
Marketing and public relations, office operation, audit, payroll, bank and legal fees
Worship, Music and Congregational Life: 13%
Funding to support Sunday worship, music programming, and education opportunities